Zante is the southern and third in size island of the Ionian Islands. The island’s magnitude is 406 square kilometres of coast longitude amounting in 123 kilometres and its population amounts in 35.000 residents. It is located at 8. 5 sea miles on the south part of Kefalonia, 9. 5 sea miles on the west part of Peloponnese and about 300 kilometres on the south part of the capital, Athens. Its geographical position allows to the traveller to visit easily the other islands of the Ionian Sea or even travel to the opposite coast of the Peloponnese where, among others, you may find the ancient town of ancient Olympia where the Olympic Games took place in the ancient years. Furthermore, its direct communication connection renders easy its communication with the largest cities of Greece such as Patras, Athens and Thessalonica.
Zante, an island full of oppositions, is at its largest part mountainous, with pine- clad mountains and fertile plains. On the north, east and south it is full of in numerous picturesque beaches, whereas on the west, in its imposing and rocky coasts one may find numerous sea caves such as the sea Blue Cave on the north- west part of the island. Zante’s climate is benign Mediterranean with lots of rain and great sunlight. Obviously, it owes to these elements its all along wealthy flora, something that explains its designations “Iiessa” (landscape full of flowers) and “Fior di Levante” by Homer and the Venetians respectively. It is an island with a wealth agricultural production mainly based on the culture of olive, citrus trees and raisins with a developed entrepreneurial activity mainly on the tourism section and with a rich historic tradition since the island has been for lots of centuries the crossroads of people and civilizations.
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Holiday packages and excursions for individuals and groups in Greece and worldwide We offer you packages, including transportation and accommodation in Greece or anywhere else in the world, in groups or for individuals. Excursions by bus to different places in Greece and World. Special trips for honeymooners. Air and sea tickets.
Zante is the southern and third in size island of the Ionian Islands. The island’s magnitude is 406 square kilometers of coast longitude amounting in 123 kilometers and its population amounts in 35.000 residents.It is located at 8. 5 sea miles on the south part of Kefalonia, 9. 5 sea miles on the west part of Peloponnese and about 300 kilometers on the south part of the capital, Athens.
Bes Tour
Zakynthos Island - Zakynthos Town
25, Stravopodi str.
29100 Zakynthos Greece
Tel.: +30 26950 24808
Fax: +30 26950 24805